When we think about health, we do not often think about our teeth. Orthodontic problems can have negative impacts on not only your physical health, but even your emotional well-being. Untreated orthodontic problems can result in consequences such as:rnrn- Poor Dental Hygienern- Premature Wearrn- Social and Emotional Concerns

Poor Dental Hygiene

Teeth that are overcrowded or improperly aligned can be much more difficult to clean, especially for brushing and flossing at home. Teeth that are not properly cared for are more prone to decay and cavities. The poor dental hygiene can also lead to root and gum disease. Straight teeth that have undergone orthodontic treatments are easier to care for, and often results in better dental hygiene.

Premature Wear

Teeth which are not properly aligned can often be more susceptible to prematurely wearing out. When misaligned, teeth are more likely to grind against each other when speaking, chewing or sleeping. Teeth requiring orthodontic treatments are also more likely to be grinded together at night while asleep, also leading to wear and cracks.

Social and Emotional Concerns

Perhaps the most important consequence of untreated orthodontic problems are the social and emotional consequences. Teeth play a large role in appearance. People who suffer from misaligned teeth tend to have lower confidence, which can have widespread consequences stretching from social isolation, to others passing premature judgement based on appearance. Those who have perfect orthodontic health tend to be more confident, and make better first impressions.

With these consequences in mind, when we think about overall holistic health, we must consider orthodontic health. By visiting an orthodontic specialists, we can avoid these unwanted consequences, and not only look better, but feel better as well.