Can Orthodontic Issues Lead to Tooth Decay?

When we think about orthodontic treatment, we often think about correcting an improper bite, or crooked teeth. Often, we do not think about orthodontic issues causing tooth decay. Orthodontic treatment not only gives a better smile, but also prevents possible tooth decay that could arise from an orthodontic issue.

How Can Orthodontic Issues Cause Tooth Decay?

There are a few ways that poor tooth alignment can lead to tooth decay. First, crooked or misaligned teeth can be difficult to properly clean. Teeth that overlap may be impossible to reach with a toothbrush. Plague can form in these areas, leading to cavities and decay. Poor alignment may also make flossing in between certain teeth difficult, again leading to similar problems. A mouth full of straight teeth can be more effectively cleaner, preventing cavities and decay.

Another orthodontic issue causing tooth decay is a poor bite alignment. People who suffer from a poor bite may be causing wear to the tooth enamel if teeth are rubbing or grinding against each other. Overtime, enamel can be thinned and worn out, leading to a higher prevalence of tooth decay. Orthodontic treatment can work to fix any bite issues, making sure your teeth do not prematurely wear.

Orthodontic treatment is more than just a perfect smile, it’s about a healthy smile. Ignoring orthodontic issues may be affecting your overall oral health, which could lead to other serious issues. It may be time to visit your orthodontics, and find out how orthodontic treatment can make your smile healthier.