It is not uncommon for people to have their upper teeth protrude slightly over their lower teeth. However, when this is more severe, this is referred to as a malocclusion, or an overbite. An orthodontist is able to provide treatment for overbites, and these treatments can vary depending on the type of overbite.

Types of Overbite
One type of overbite, sometimes called a horizontal overbite, or an overjet, is characterized by the top teeth protruding over the bottom teeth. This type of overbite may also be commonly known as “buck teeth”. Horizontal overbites are often genetic, but may be caused by other factors, often childhood habits such as thumb sucking or pacifier use. This is often caused by a dental issue, specifically the alignment of the teeth. The other type of overbite, a vertical overbite, is characterized by the top teeth overlapping more than one third of the bottom teeth when the jaw is closed. This is often caused by genetic factors, moreso then external factors, and is often due to a skeletal issue, specifically within the jaw.

Treating an Overbite
Your orthodontist in Burnaby or North Vancouver is well equipped to assess and treat an overbite issue. Treating an overbite is simpler in children compared to adults, but treatment is possible for both. After a thorough assessment of the type of overbite, and underlying causes, your orthodontist may recommend a number of different treatment options. When treating children, these treatment options may include removal of baby teeth, should overcrowding by contributing to the overbite. The orthodontist will want to make sure there is plenty of space for adult teeth to come in straight. Orthodontists may also recommend the use of braces, which can help to position both the teeth and the jaw correctly. In more severe cases, a Growth Modification Device may be used to help guide the position that the jaw is growing into.

In Adults, braces are also a common option for moving the teeth to correct overbites. In some cases, removal of certain teeth may be required to create enough space to correct an issue. If the overbite is heavily caused by significant jaw issues, surgery may also be recommended to remedy this. Overbites can cause all sorts of issues, including headaches, discomfort, eating issues, and even low-confidence. If you or a loved one are suffering from an overbite, make sure you visit an orthodontist and being treatment today.