What is Orthodontic headgear? Orthodontic headgear is comprised of bands, a head cap, material ribbons, and other materials. The headgear is often paired with braces to correct teeth, jaw, and facial alignment issues.

In this article, we are going to overview how orthodontic headgear works, and what tasks they serve.

How Does Orthodontic Headgear Differ from Aligners?

When compared to Invisalign, orthodontic headgear is much more noticeable and wraps around the entire head of the patient. While this may be a bit undesirable for some, aesthetic-wise, orthodontic headgear is the best way to ensure the teeth and jaw are actively being aligned.

Orthodontic headgear is particularly effective for malocclusions, including the treatment of overbites and underbites. Clear aligners are effective for aligning teeth; however, they are often not strong enough to repair the aforementioned jaw issues.

How does Orthodontic Headgear Work?

Orthodontic headgear adds extra tension to braces, allowing them to manipulate the structure of the jaw. Straps, metal ribbons, and numerous other bands are used to guide the jawline and teeth back into the correct alignment.

How Long Does Orthodontic Headgear Need to be Worn For?

Orthodontic headgear is typically worn for about a year or two. However, some patients may be required to wear their headgear until they’ve reached a certain age. Generally, you will want to wait until the alignment is stable before removing it.

Is Orthodontic Headgear Right for Me?

Orthodontic headgear is a tool used by orthodontists to correct severe alignment issues. While it has proven effective in correcting alignment issues, some complications go with it.

The most common problems that arise when wearing orthodontic headgear are sinus issues and sleep-related breathing difficulties. You should take these issues into account before deciding about orthodontic headgear treatment.

Working with a professional orthodontist will help you better understand what treatment options are available. At Dr. B Hicks Orthodontist, we work closely with all patients to help them understand their treatment options.

The Hicks orthodontic practice has been around for over 40 years, with Bryan Hicks taking over for his father. Dr. Hicks works hard to give his patients extraordinary outcomes from their orthodontic treatment.

If you have any questions about this article or need to talk to someone in the office, give us a call at (604) 922-0111.