If you have been fitted for braces, retainers, or Invisalign, you may need to alter some of your daily activities. Orthodontic equipment alone can be effective, but it takes aftercare adjustments to achieve the best results.

Your aftercare changes will noticeably impact your eating and cleaning routine. While this may seem inconvenient at first, the aftercare treatment plays an essential role in ensuring the health of your teeth and the effectiveness of your treatment.

Consistent Cleaning Protects Your Teeth

Flossing and brushing are crucial components of everyday dental care and should be done daily, regardless of if you are wearing orthodontics. However, it is especially vital for those with braces, as the brackets, wires, and elastics can make you susceptible to cavities.

When you eat with braces, bits of food can get caught between the wire or behind your bracket, making you susceptible to stains, gum infections, and tooth decay.

Adjusting your cleaning routine to account for these areas plays a critical role in supporting the health of your teeth while wearing braces.

Aftercare Shortens Treatment Time

The main benefit of orthodontic aftercare is a shorter treatment time. By consistently cleaning your teeth and eating to right foods, you minimize the chance of complications and ensure your teeth remain clean and healthy during treatment.

Any cavities or missed orthodontist appointments can delay treatment time and prolong the duration that braces are needed. Following the aftercare plan may take some adjustments, but it is worth the effort, as it will protect your teeth and shorten treatment time.

At Dr. B Hicks, our team is here to support your treatment, and we provide compassionate orthodontic treatment guides for all our patients.

The Hicks orthodontic practice has been around for over 40 years, with Bryan Hicks taking over for his father. Dr. Hicks works hard to give his patients extraordinary outcomes from their orthodontic treatment.

If you have any questions about this article or need to talk to someone in the office, give us a call at (604) 922-0111.