A healthy and beautiful smile will do wonders for your physical appearance and long-term health. Unfortunately, the importance of maintaining good oral health is often overlooked, and a lack of consistency can lead to long-lasting dental problems.

The good news is that it only takes a few simple daily adjustments to create an effective dental-hygiene plan. Follow the tips below, and you will be on your way to success.

Brush & Floss Daily

Brushing and flossing are your two most powerful tools for protecting yourself against dental problems. You should floss and brush at least twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening, to minimize the potential of cavities and tooth decay.

Eat The Right Foods

If your diet contains too many sugary foods, you are putting yourself at a higher risk of developing dental disease. Sugar is delicious, but it is crucial to consume it in moderation. Soda, in particular, is very harmful to teeth and should be avoided as much as possible.

Visit an Orthodontic Specialist

Even if you follow all these tips, there is still a chance you develop jaw, teeth, or gum disorders due to aging, health changes, or a physical accident. And in many cases, dental disorders cannot heal themselves.

Taking proactive action is the best way to minimize potential tooth decay and ensure long-lasting dental health. Start your journey to better dental health today by visiting Dr. B Hicks for caring and compassionate assistance. We can protect your teeth and help you achieve the perfect smile. `

The Hicks orthodontic practice has been around for over 40 years, with Bryan Hicks taking over for his father. Dr. Hicks works hard to give his patients extraordinary outcomes from their orthodontic treatment.

If you have any questions about this article or need to talk to someone in the office, give us a call at (604) 922-0111.