Accidents happen to everyone but can be even more painful and troublesome to someone in the middle of orthodontic treatment. Problems like breaks, loose brackets and others will occur for a myriad of reasons, from slips to high-impact sports, and here are five tips on what you should and shouldn’t do when you have an Orthodontic Accident.

  • Don’t Ignore The Damage

    Even if you do not see or feel any damage to your braces or appliances, there is no telling for sure if any damage has been done. Ignoring problems just because you cannot see them is just an invitation to more trouble down the line. Your orthodontist will be able to make any quick fixes and diagnose any big ones before they become bigger. When in doubt, especially with something requiring precision like an orthodontic treatment, always seek a professional opinion.

  • Do Follow Dietary Advice From Your Orthodontist

    Avoid foods that are extremely hot, extremely cold, extremely chewy, or extremely crunchy before you go and see your orthodontist. These types of foods can cause additional damage to orthodontic treatments or cause undue pain in your mouth before those issues are addressed. Your orthodontist will be able to recommend what you should and shouldn’t eat before you are able to come in for a treatment, but this advice could save you a lot of trouble.

  • Don’t Panic

    Panicking about the state of your treatment can cause no end of concerns. You may be worrying about the extent of a problem and ignoring the problem or even just stressing out about whether the potential damage is lengthening the amount of time you will need to wear the braces or appliances. Relax and call your orthodontist, as the sooner you see them, the sooner you can have piece of mind.

  • Be Gentle with Your Mouth

    This may go without saying for some but it’s better said than ignored. Avoid high-impact sports that may cause additional damage to your treatment for a few weeks afterwards, things like hockey, football and combat sports could send you back to the orthodontist.

  • Care for your Treatment

    Make sure you are brushing gently twice a day, flossing carefully, and rinsing regularly. Neglecting your usual care routine in the aftermath of an accident will not help things and will likely make the eventual repair even more troublesome. When in doubt, call your orthodontist.

The Hicks orthodontic practice has been around for over 40 years, with Bryan Hicks taking over for his father. Dr. Hicks works hard to give his patients extraordinary outcomes from their orthodontic treatment.

If you have any questions about this article or need to talk to someone in the office, give us a call at (604) 922-0111.