One question that a lot of people are asking is this: are orthodontic braces tax deductible? There is some understandable confusion since certain medical expenses are deductible and others are not.

One big area of confusion is this – dental work that is done for purely cosmetic reasons, such as teeth whitening, is not tax deductible. In fact, many cosmetic medical procedures are not tax deductible. So, logically, since orthodontic work is often a cosmetic procedure, it may not be either.

But that is not true. Most dental expenses can be used as medical expense deductions and dental braces are no exception. It actually does not matter why you or your children are getting braces, they are still exempt.

Like any other medical expense, it is very important to save your receipts so you have proof when claiming them on your taxes. Remember to check the dates on your receipts so you are sure that you are claiming them in the correct year. You do not have to show them to the Canada Revenue Agency when you file, but you will need to show them if they ask for them.

As mentioned, you can claim any dependant’s medical expenses within the 12 months of the tax period. Keep your receipts from any orthodontics work on your children’s (or spouse’s, if applicable) as well.

To make things easier when claiming, the CRA does not require any certification or Form T2201 when you make this claim. The receipts are enough.

One final note is that, if you have not already claimed these expenses on past tax returns, you can still re-file. Those receipts may help you get back a few more dollars from the government to help in the present.

If you have any more questions about orthodontics or dental braces, or are ready to come in for an initial consultation, give us a call at Dr Bryan Hicks Orthodontics.