With its inconspicuous design compared to conventional braces, Invisalign has revolutionized the orthodontics industry. Here are three crucial pointers to remember when you begin your Invisalign journey so that you can maximize the effectiveness of your care.

Tip #1: Wear Your Aligners as Directed

The flexibility to take off your aligners is one of Invisalign’s benefits. Additionally, unlike conventional braces, Invisalign doesn’t impede your ability to eat and is easily removed when flossing or brushing.

However, just because they can be easily removed, it does not mean they should spend much time out of your mouth. It’s crucial to wear your Invisalign trays as directed by your orthodontist, usually for 20-22 hours each day. Make it a habit to wear your aligners except when eating or performing oral cleaning. This way, you ensure that your teeth continually shift into their desired positions.

Tip #2: Clean and Care for Your Aligners Properly

Maintaining good dental hygiene and undergoing treatment depend on keeping your aligners clean. Every time you take them out of your mouth, gently rinse them under lukewarm water to avoid discoloration and warping. Avoid using hot water since it could harm or deform the plastic.

Plaque or buildup that forms while wearing your aligners can be removed with mild toothpaste. To get a deeper clean, you should occasionally soak Invisalign in a cleanser.

Tip #3: Attend Regular Check-Ups with Dr. B Hicks

Throughout your Invisalign treatment, routine checkups are essential for tracking your progress and making any required adjustments to your plan. Therefore, attending all follow-up appointments arranged by Dr. B. Hicks is crucial. During these appointments, our team can assess your development, make any necessary adjustments, and ensure your treatment is on schedule.

Contact Dr. B. Hicks today if you’re ready to experience the transformational power of Invisalign.

The Hicks orthodontic practice has been around for over 40 years, with Bryan Hicks taking over for his father. Dr. Hicks works hard to give his patients extraordinary outcomes from their orthodontic treatment.

If you have any questions about this article or need to talk to someone in the office, give us a call at (604) 922-0111.