Do you have questions about Invisalign, the clear, removable alternative to braces? Known for its comfort and discretion, Invisalign is steadily picking up in popularity, but many prospective patients still have doubts.

Is Invisalign Comfortable?

Most patients report that Invisalign does not cause any discomfort. These aligners are composed of a flexible thermoplastic material called SmartTrack®, which reduces discomfort significantly. Plus, there are no metal brackets that may cause cheek irritations.

You might experience a little discomfort or pressure initially, which is pretty standard with any orthodontic treatment. However, most people find this sensation fades away after a few days of adjusting to their new aligners.

Can You Eat and Drink with Invisalign?

Absolutely! That’s one of the perks of rocking Invisalign. There are no restrictions on your diet. Invisalign can easily be removed when you eat or drink any beverage other than water. Just remember to brush before you pop them back in.

Is Invisalign the Right Fit for Everyone?

Invisalign is not always suitable, as there are complex orthodontic cases that might require traditional braces. Things like severe crowding, intricate malocclusions, or an extreme shift in tooth alignment might still need a heavy-duty approach.

Whether Invisalign aligners are a good fit for you will depend on your unique orthodontic needs and situation. So, drop by to see an Orthodontic Specialist like Dr. Bryan Hicks to get a personalized consultation.

At Dr. Bryan Hicks Orthodontics, we understand that you might have a lot of questions and concerns regarding Invisalign. We’re committed to simplifying this journey for you. Contact us today to get started.

The Hicks orthodontic practice has been around for over 40 years, with Bryan Hicks taking over for his father. Dr. Hicks works hard to give his patients extraordinary outcomes from their orthodontic treatment.

If you have any questions about this article or need to talk to someone in the office, give us a call at (604) 922-0111.