5 New Year Resolutions to Improve Your Oral Health

New Year Resolutions often focus on health and lifestyle changes. Common goals are to exercise more, eat out less, quit smoking, or spend more time reading. An often-overlooked goal is to improve your oral health. Oral health is an essential part of your overall well-being, and is connected to other areas of your health. With this in mind, here are 5 New Year Resolutions you could make to improve your oral health this New Year.

Replace that Old Toothbrush

How long have you been using the same toothbrush for? Most dentists recommend replacing your toothbrush at least every 3 months. Bacteria and other organisms can live on your brush, so you want to try and keep it fresh. You may also consider investing in an electric toothbrush. Make it a goal to replace your toothbrush at least every 3 months this year.

Avoid Sugary Foods

Sugary foods, especially sticky or chewy items can really stick to and in between your teeth. This also includes sugary beverages like Soda or Fruit Juices. Even with proper brushing in the morning and before bed, these foods could still have hours to stick to your teeth cause cavities and decay. Make it a New Year goal to cut back on sugary food and drink. Make it a resolution to replace the sugary snacks with vegetables, and the sugary drinks with water. Not only will your teeth thank you, but so will your waistline.

Floss More Often

Flossing is a chore that most people do not enjoy. While it can be difficult to find the motivation to consistently floss, it is a vital part of any oral health regimen. Make it a resolution this year to floss every night before bed and you will see the healthier results in no time at all.

Visit Your Dentist

Make it a resolution to see your dentist for a cleaning and check-up at least twice this year. Not only can your hygienist remove plaque and other build-up, but your dentist can look for early signs of tooth and gum disease and work to remedy these.

Visit Your Orthodontist

A visit to your orthodontist this New Year may also be an excellent resolution. It may be time for that Invisalign to fix a crooked tooth, or an incorrectly aligned bit. This could help relieve other symptoms such as a sore jaw, or chronic headaches that you didn’t even realize were connected. Talk to your orthodontist about what is right for you.

By following these 5 New Year Resolutions, not only will your oral health thank you, but also your entire health!