A common misconception about getting braces is that once they come off, you never have to worry about your teeth again. Many people believe that getting braces is similar to wearing a cast – everything is healed once the appliance is off and you are as good as new.

But that simply is not the case with teeth. Orthodontic retainers are a necessary part of your dental maintenance after the braces come off.

When braces are attached to the teeth, they gently move the teeth into better and healthier positions. As they are working, the surrounding gums and bones are weakened so that the teeth will move. That weakness does not magically go away once the braces come off. In fact, the first month after the braces are removed is the most critical time to wear a retainer.

The retainer will help your bite stabilize and as it does, the tissues and bone will become stronger, holding your teeth in their new positions. Without a retainer, your teeth will move back to their original positions and all the orthodontic treatment you received will have been for nothing. In fact, the first year is very critical to ensure that your bite is stabilizing.

Orthodontists will usually prescribe retainer usage for about as long as the patient wore braces. So if you have been wearing braces for five years, you will be wearing a retainer for the same amount of time. They want to ensure that your smile stays the same and you do not suffer from a dental relapse.

It is common to wear a retainer full-time for the first six months after your braces come off and then only wear them at night after that. However, your orthodontist will determine the best course of treatment. Remember to wear your retainer as instructed to make sure you are getting the maximum benefits.

If you have any questions about your post-braces orthodontists treatment, come and talk to the friendly staff at Dr Bryan Hicks Orthodontics in the North Shore.