Invisalign is garnering a lot of attention recently. Customers see it as a revolutionary product that offers the ability to complete your treatment faster, and in style. Additionally, most customers rave about how unintrusive they are. Plus, if you needed one more reason to be excited about Invisalign, they are practically invisible.

If you combine all those factors, Invisalign has taken care of most of the concerns related to braces. However, there is one thing they are not perfect at, and that area is their impact on speaking ability.

Invisalign, just like traditional braces can cause a lisp. How long it lasts depends on a few variables.

What Should I do if Invisalign Causes a Lisp?

For many people, Invisalign may come with an unwanted lisp. This lisp is perfectly natural and is due to a couple of changes. First, the thin plastic on the Invisalign trays can alter the way your tongue would usually enunciate sounds and letters.

Second, the Invisalign, just like braces, is altering the shape and space in your mouth. This will cause some initial adjustments when speaking. Over time the lisp will naturally go away as you become used to talking with the trays in your mouth.

It is particularly important to make sure your Invisalign fits properly. A lisp can happen if the fit is even slightly loose. An improperly fitted Invisalign would also be harmful to your treatment.

If you notice that your lisp has been there for more than 6 weeks, it may be time to check in with an orthodontist. It could be related to your fitting.

How Long Will an Invisalign Lisp Last?

When it comes to dealing with an Invisalign lisp, most people only notice it for a month. Even though it may be very noticeable at the start, make sure to keep your Invisalign in. By leaving your Invisalign trays in, you will become more used to talking with them. Additionally, you will not be correcting your original problem if you constantly remove them.

After a certain point, talking with the Invisalign trays in will seem normal. You may even notice that the lisp only happens when the trays are out. As we said before, this is a result of your mouth adapting to them and figuring out how to speak with them in. Whatever the case may be, the lisp period will generally not last for more than a month.

If you are wondering if there is a braces alternative that is right for you, we can help. Our practice has provided comfortable orthodontic treatments for hundreds of patients. We make braces a lot less scary, and with your help, a lot more convenient.

The Hicks orthodontic practice has been around for over 40 years, with Bryan Hicks taking over for his father. Dr. Hicks works hard to give his patients extraordinary outcomes from their orthodontic treatment.

If you have any questions about this article or need to talk to someone in the office, give us a call at (604) 922-0111.